Samsung has launched the Galaxy Tab, its take on the tablet computer. It will begin shipping in Europe from October but no date has been set for the US market yet. The tablet computer can be used to surf the net, read e-books, watch movies, navigate using GPS and make phone calls. It runs on the Android 2.2 operating system and has a 7-inch touch screen, with a resolution of 1024 by 600 pixels. It uses a 1GHz Cortex A8 processor with 16GB of internal memory. There is a MicroSD slot that can be used to expand the storage up to 32GB.
The tablet weighs less than the iPad and this coupled with the ability to make phone calls is touted as two advantages it has over Apple's starlet!
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Sony laptop to have a 3D button
Sony has plans to sell a laptop under its VAIO range that includes a 3D button that will transform 2D images into 3D when used with compatible glasses. Many people believe that 3D will prove to be more popular through computers than TV as with a TV you are tied to your provider. With computers and fast internet access, over time there will be unlimited potential for content.
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